This is a BuddyUpJam Spring 2022 submission.
Welcome to Untergetaucht, a legendary submerged bank full of treasures to heist! Complete ten levels of fun arcade gameplay and claim your righteous reward, using 1000 coins to buy special upgrades to help on your journey!
Atlantic and Pacific Modes:
In Atlantic Mode, you start out with five lives (or more if you purchase them), and if you lose them all, you have to start over.
In Pacific Mode, there is no life system, you get as many attempts as you need!

Gambler's Penny: After losing, there is a 50% chance of gaining a life, but a 50% chance of losing two lives. Costs 200 coins.

Gatekeeper's Watch: Reduces the speed of your ball by 20%, making it easier to keep it away from the edge. Costs 350 coins.

Game Design and Level Design
voyage and Rulste
Art and Sprites
Sound Design
Special thanks to:
KaptainKuretsa, for giving the team the idea of making the platform move in a circle
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Nice thematic approach to graphics and styling. I love Pacific and Atlantic as different game modes, cute little detail. A tooltip or text in the shop would be helpful to indicate what each item does. Also the gambler item is probably not needed in the shop when user is in Pacific mode.
Sound is nice, but mixing is inconsistent and negative feedback noises spike excessively loudly.
It's not quite clear to me what lets you shoot again, and the graphics are inconsistent on this. Sometimes clicking does nothing, sometimes it shoots and sometimes it loads the graphic of a projectile but doesn't shoot it.
Overall, very well done shows signs of smart scoping - you've deliver something complete, thematic and polished, with some depth to it.
Thank you!
Unfortunately, we did not have time to add the item descriptions to the game itself, which is why they are listed in the description. And I completely agree with the poor mixing criticism. We would have definitely tried to tackle this if we had more time.
I don't understand your criticism of shooting though. You're only supposed to throw a ball at the start of a level and after you lose a life. That's what Arkanoid and Breakout do, which this game is heavily inspired by.
Ah, I only played in Pacific mode, and I haven't played the games which inspired this, so it wasn't clear to me that I was dying, which translated into not understanding what let me shoot a new ball.
Really good one! Did you guys really made this only in 2 weeks? If yes, then that's super awesome!! Kudos to you, I love the concept of the shop system. The art and music blends well too
I liked it! Nice done guys!
Super fun game! Love the color scheme and the gameplay is really solid. Along with the pleasing sfx and music, just a polished experience through and through.
My only suggestion is that it might be nice to buy the upgrades one by one as you progress through the stages. Although I realize having 1000 coins to start is tied to the theme. The concept of upgrades in this type of game is really neat!
Very thoughtful to include both modes for accessibility as well. Nice game!
Thank you!
Buying upgrades across the levels was actually the original plan! You would still start out with 1000 coins and nothing else, but you would have the choice to buy upgrades early on, or save money to buy better upgrades later. Unfortunately, we had to severly dumb down the shop due to time restraints.
This game was cool! The art was quite good and consistent and mechanics seemed simple to understand and forgiving. I played breakout a lot when I was younger and appreciate this evolution of the game style. I'd love to see a longer version with more items/modifiers in the future.
Thank you!
Yeah, I'd love to develop this game further in the future! We would need funding for that, though, so I hope this is possible!